Dr. med. Hans-Joachim Graf
Königstr. 11
30175 Hannover
Tel.: 0511 – 34 34 24
Fax: 0511 – 34 34 13
E-Mail: hno.graf@htp-tel.de
Occupational title:: Physician; Specialist for ENT medicine
Medical licence: awarded in: Germany
Competent Medical Association: Ärztekammer Niedersachsen
The professional rules of conduct can be found on the Website of Ärztekammer Niedersachsen: www.kvn.de
Website: All contents and images on this website are protected by copyright
Photos: Ingeburg Lindner-Olbrich
Photo Neurotology: Dr. Hans-Joachim Graf (Carousel)
Photo Sleep medicine: Fotolia.com,sbw19 (Man sleeping in bed wearing CPAP mask)
Photos Allergies: Pexels.com (Woman blowing nose), Pexels.com, Anthony (Grass)
Photo Tinnitus treatment: Fotolia.com, RFBSIP (Woman suffering from earache)
Photo cooperations: Fotolia.com, Coka(Woman during face laser therapy)
Last update: 31.1.2018
Web design and graphics: Ingeburg Lindner-Olbrich
Programming: Ingeburg Lindner-Olbrich, Dipl.Ing. Ilka Crimi
Translation: Nigel Packham
Königstraße 11
30175 Hannover
+49 - 511 - 34 34 24
+49 - 511 - 34 34 13
Mo - Fri
Mo, Tue, Thu
9.30 am - 12.30 pm
3.00 pm - 5.30 am
Private Consulting
Phone: +49 - 511 - 270 35 55